Monday, October 1, 2007

Love me some chips

I'm now POSITIVE that my child loves mexican food. He really didn't have a chance since he was born on Cinco De Mayo, but we caught him trying to eat some chips the other night and snapped a picture. He was amazed at the fun crunchy sound they make when you lay down on them. Now if he could only get to that hot sauce...

Have a wonderful week everyone.

PS. Truitt gets to meet baby cousin Claire soon. He can't wait. See blog labeled "Martha" to the side for more details on who cousin Claire is.


Bev Ross said...

Oh, my! He has grown in the last two weeks!!!! Is he just rolling everywhere?!?!?!!?

jasonandchaney said...

Kayci and Josh, I am so glad that I found you blog and have enjoyed reading about your new lives. Truitt is so cute. Glad you all are doing well. Take care.
