Ok, it's what you've been waiting for... pictures of Truitt as a Pea in a Pod for our church Halloween party. He had a blast and I personally think he's adorable. If you haven't seen Reese Cope as a lady bug you'll love it. Check out her blog under "Jenna" in my links. Have a great day!
Today was a day of firsts. He kept saying "Da da da da da da" all in a row. I'm ok with it since he said momma first, but it sure was sweet to hear him say "da da" sort of. : ) He also started rocking today. That's when he gets up on all fours and then rocks like he's about to start crawling. How exciting!! He's almost 6 months and I'm so blessed to see all these fun changes!! God is so good. Love you all! - Kayci