Tuesday, April 20, 2010

8 months

caught him in the mid-blink
Noah will be 8 months tomorrow. Time has really flown by. I love the way he lights up when I enter the room. He is such a easy baby and I'm falling in love with him more and more with every passing hour. His new tricks are sitting up, 6 teeth, army crawling, eating baby food like a champ, and laughing A LOT at Truitt. Noah James Ross is truly a precious gift from God.

Baby dedication Sunday is this next Sunday and I'm looking forward to showing him off.

In the words of Pheobe from friends "He's my lobster" - we are together for life. : )
Have a great day. Love, Kayci

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Easter hat

My boys

Easter Bunny tracks

The hunt

This Easter was an emotional one. Josh did an incredible job with the sermon, and only teared up once. His weren't the only tears shed that morning. We both cried through worship and shared a long hug after the service. The last song we sang was Mighty to Save and if I had any composure left at that point, I lost it. I thank God there is an Easter to celebrate. Jesus is RISEN! Because of Jesus we have HOPE...that's what Jenny's life song was all about any way. Rejoice, the grave is empty!!
Today, I will choose to serve you alone Lord. I will not serve another! - Kayci

Monday, April 12, 2010

My new hair-cut

Many of you have asked for pictures of my new hair-do, so here they are. This is the third time I've donated my hair to Locks-of-love and I couldn't wait to chop all that hair off. I love my short hair and plan to keep it short for a while. Have a good day everyone! - Kayci


Truitt took these pictures

Like the big box of diapers in the background??

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Horseback riding

Josh, Truitt, Kelley Rogers and Karen Rogers (my parents)

When my parents came for spring break we went horseback riding. I loved having them. In the days to come I have a million pictures to show you. Stay tuned for more blog posts of my precious boys and husband.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Sunday

Tomorrow is Easter and I can't wait! For me the holidays rank like this...#1 - Christmas, #2 - Easter, #3 - Thanksgiving, #4 - Halloween... I LOVE Easter. I'm sure it probably has something to do with the fact that I'm married to a pastor, but even before I married it was one of my favorite days of the year.
This year I'm especially emotional about Easter Sunday. I have so much to be thankful for, but of all the gifts I've been given, the empty tomb is my favorite. It's what I give my children when we pray in Jesus' name. It's what I give my husband when I'm submissive to him. It's what I give my friends when I'm patient and encouraging... It's Christ in me. Some may say that Christ was a great guy who did a lot of great things, had some powerful teachings and the world is a better place because he lived. But I, I say that he is exactly who he says he is - The Messiah. I feel that when you make that decision, to believe he was the CHRIST, that changes EVERYTHING. Your life should be different not just because he died, but because he is RISEN. Death couldn't hold him!
Death couldn't hold Jenny, my sister-in-law, either. I grieve the loss of her life here on earth tomorrow, but rejoice that she is alive because of Christ and living in heaven. Tomorrow will be hard and full of raw emotion, but I trust that the Joy of the Lord will be my strength.
If you're at Sycamore View tomorrow morning you'll be able to find me. I'll be the one with tears streaming, high hands praising and for the first time since I was a little girl...wearing a bright white hat.

I miss you Jenny...