Today was my birthday. I'm 27 years old and encountered a painful truth, it's really not about me. I normally get to chill, sleep in, go out to eat, talk to friends on the phone, etc on my birthday, but not today. I woke up as usual to take care of little T and by the time Josh got home I was still in my PJs, no makeup, whipped from a temper tantrum Truitt decided to give me and I had dried carrots in my hair. This is the life! I kept trying to tell Truitt that I understood that two bones are trying to break through the swollen skin in your mouth is painful, but honestly I don't remember it being all that bad, and IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!
When I attended ACU one of my friends, Lauren, passed on a birthday tradition that I've kept ever since. I try to find some alone time to reflect on the year. Have I grown? Do I look more like Christ? Have I made a difference in this world? What are the highlights of this past year? I've always enjoyed this reflection time and today I received a large piece of humble pie! I'm thankful for Truitt for sure, don't hear me complaining. He IS my perspective most of the time. I feel so blessed to be his mother and to see my husband's features all over his face. God, you have been so good to me! I did receive flowers today, Chili's fajitas (my favorite), a snickers bar and the chance to get out and go to Bible study.
Jesus, I must become less, so that you may become more.
- Kayci Joy