Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Truitt and Noah's school program

Truitt and Noah performed their end of the year program last night. It was adorable. The theme was a Carnival and they had a blast! Noah's class song was "Dance like an animal". Every child dressed as an animal and Noah was a monkey. Truitt's class had a western theme and they danced to the song "Ice Cream Freeze". Both boys really know how to dance and and enjoyed being the center of attention. : ) I am so proud of them both.

Truitt is front and center, riding his horse. : )

This pose is for the line in the song..."now lets chill"

We love Mrs. Carol - one of Truitt's teachers.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

The boys are beautiful! I can't believe how much time has gone by since I've seen all of you. :(
Be so blessed! I love you, Bon