Friday, February 27, 2009

SVCC Women's Breakfast

Last Saturday I had the pleasure and honor of speaking to the women who attended a women's ministry breakfast at our church. I had so much fun speaking to them about what the Lord has done in my life, and I mentioned some practical things they could do to put themselves in a better position to soak up God's love. I also mentioned some practical ways we can serve in love. Many have asked for that information, so here it is.

  1. Read the book of 1 John - It's nickname is the love book. : )
  2. Download these christian songs onto your ipod or get one of these CDs:
  • "By Your Side" - Tenth Avenue North
  • "Your Love is Strong" - Jon Foreman
  • "Give Me Your Eyes" - Brandon Heath
  • "Made to Love You" - Toby Mac (this one is Hip-Hop music)

3. Make a "Manna Bag" for someone that's hungry. If your heading downtown to the zoo or running errands ask your kids to help you make a few and then you'll be ready to help someone in need. If you'd like you can print some info about downtown church, our church, Hope Works, food pantry locations and clothing locations. You could also just write them a note about how much God loves them and that's why you and your kids put this bag together in love. Here are the contents of this "Manna Bag". If you do hand these bags out while your kids are with you be ready for a great conversation about serving others in love.

Place the following items in a gallon size Ziploc bag:
  • small bottle of water
  • ready to eat tuna lunch box (lunchable, PB&J sandwich, etc.)
  • individual bag of chips
  • individual bag of cookies, sucker, etc.
  • Peanut butter crackers

If you are going on a picnic anyway, just pack an extra lunch and hand it out to someone in need. This is such a great learning opportunity to show your kids that we love others and they get to help. All you have to do is pass it out your car window.

If you are the type that sees hungry all over the place and don't have the chance to keep all that in your car, here's an idea. Buy water bottles in bulk and just keep 20 of them in your car at once. The bible says to give a cup of cold water in his name - all you have to do is pass it out the window. You'll never be caught feeling like you could have helped if you just had the money or food on you. You were proactive about serving the needy and planned to serve when the opportunity arose.

That's what I mentioned during the talk, but there are lots of ways to soak up God's love and by doing that my prayer is that our gut reaction to anyone standing in front of us will be LOVE.

- Kayci

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Truitt and baby

Truitt at Cheese Cake Corner showing off

My friend Kara and (Lucas in belly). Isn't she so cute prego! I'm past my first Tri-mester and I'm really showing.

- Kayci

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

My sweet little Valentine

Loving those conversation hearts

Daddy came to my party at school. (listening intently to Mrs. Rosie)

Highlight of the day was giving valentine's away

Playing a game-find the Purple Hearts around the room for an m&m. (color of the month and shape of the month)
We love our teachers Mrs. Rosie and Ms. Sheryl! Thank you for the fantastic party! Happy love day! - Truitt

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Indulge" - Mid-South Girls' Conference

Thought I'd share a few pictures of the conference with you. Most of these are of me, sorry. The theme was "Indulge in God's extravagant love for you." A one day event that took months to plan, but every minute and detail was worth it! God was glorified! - Kayci

300+ girls came and it was only the first year!

yes, that's a big piece of chocolate cake on the stage! Ha!

Camp Ross

Singing along to Toby Mac with his new microphone

I had my first haircut last week. I was a little annoyed during the event so here's an "after" picture.

We set up a tent in our living room. Isn't it AWESOME!

Me and my mom. She kept getting blankets so I brought my contribution.

Is my dad not the BEST? He's my jungle gym! Wh..wh..wh.. WHOA!
Let's have Camp Ross every night! - Truitt

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Almost 21 months

Mrs. Rosie and Mrs. Sheryl from day school - Incredible teachers!

The Graham family owns a house on a golf course and allowed me to use their sun room for planning, prayer and writing my talks for the girls' conference. I used it on my birthday, the 22nd, and it was a highlight for me. Thank you!

The view is beautiful and serene

This was my spot. That and the couple of ceramic floor tiles I had my face on, overwhelmed in prayer. Ha!

Thank you God for sending these ducks just for me! : )

Truitt will be 21 months old on Feb. 5th! He is growing so fast and speaking many words. These are some of his favorites: "candy", "me-ow", "'gain" - as in read that book again, "Elmo", "Moo", "two-it" - his name, "no", "pees" - please, "pay" - play, "bops" - Doodle Bops, "Barn" - Barney and "mac" for Toby Mac. We are really working on counting this week. He loves the number 2. When we count to three together he says, "two, two, tee!" Highlight: I caught him doing the song "If You're Happy and You Know it" on video. Like a true preacher's kid, you'll never hear a child yell AMEN louder than ours and with such enthusiasm. I will find a way to get it on this blog for you to see and hear, asap.
I spoke at the Mid-South Girls Conference last weekend and had a blast. Thank you for your prayers for health, God granted me that. I felt great and I feel God was glorified through me. What a gift he gave me being with those girls! I loved it and give major thanks to those who ran the whole event, fantastic job!
Josh and I go to the doctor on Thursday for a check-up on baby. We will have a sonogram to hear the heartbeat! We'll let you know how it goes.
Love, Kayci and Truitt