Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sweet family Thanksgiving

Jed and Truitt "preaching" on top of grandma's fireplace

Jed, Malaya, Jocelyn and Truitt in matching Christmas PJs

Jocelyn. Precious!

Buddies forever

The whole family
Jenny, David, Malaya, Rick, Beverly, Jed, Jonathan, Jocelyn, Jennifer, Kayci, Truitt and Josh
Not the best picture or the most flattering for me, but these are my peeps.
I LOVED Thanksgiving and I hope you did too. Love, Kayci

Monday, November 10, 2008

Truitt's first horse ride

Today Josh and I were blessed to go horse back riding with John French. Kerri watched Truitt for us while John gave us a highlight tour of his 48 acres. It was so peaceful and beautiful. I got a movie clip of Truitt's first horse ride. If there were sound on this video you would know that he did NOT want to get off. I think he was pretty impressed with a real-live "horsie". Thanks again French family for everything. Love, Kayci


Seriously, the camera can't capture the beauty I've seen

Fall is my new favorite season. I grew up in Lubbock, where the leaves don't really change colors before they fall, they just dry up and get blown off the limb. My favorite thing about TN so far is the change of season. I LOVE FALL!! The leaves are gorgeous and I can't help but comment 10-15 times a day on the pretty colors. They are so vibrant and diverse. I love it. I imagine the kingdom of God to be much like the pictures you've seen here today, beauty in diversity. - Kayci

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fall picture palooza

Is that not the cutest patootie you've ever seen!
These were Josh's jeans when he was little.

My favorite picture lately!

I sewed that belt myself!

Husker jogging suit. Adorable!

These are the pumpkins I picked.

Halloween night - trick or treating as a Dallas Mav

Treated with Mom, Dad and Laura Packer.

My fellow treaters/neighbors - Truitt, Luke (elmo) and Hunter (football player)

Thank you for the AWESOME outfit Nathan and Adrienne.

It was a perfect fit for Halloween.

Class party at Mothers Day out. The priest.

Fun picture of Truitt's crazy hair after a nap.

We've had a happy fall. We hope you have too. Love, Kayci and Truitt